The Book of Formation - Sefer Yetzirah

By the grace of G-d 
Copyright © 2009-16 Nathaniel Segal 

  Table of Contents

   Map \\

•  Title Page

•  Preface & Prologue by Nathaniel Segal   Work in progress 

•  Foreword    Work in progress 

•  Introduction    Work in progress 

•  Key to the Book

•  Comments from the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the Book of Formation

•  Chapter I - 14 Mishnahs (14)*   \\ 
|| Divine Names >>

•  Chapter II - 5 Mishnahs (6)*   \\ 

•  Chapter III - 10 Mishnahs (8)*   \\ 

•  Chapter IV - 14 Mishnahs (12)*   \\ 

•  Chapter V - 21 Mishnahs (4)*   \\ 

•  Chapter VI - 13 Mishnahs (4)*   \\ 

*  The number of mishnahs in the "Short Version" are in parentheses.  However, many of the earliest commentators based their commentaries on the "Long Version."  Academic references generally correspond to the "Long Version."

•  Bibliography of Editions of the Book of Formation with Reviews

 Map of Chapter ContentsTop of Page

marks inactive links – pages that have yet to be posted or that are being developed.
° marks active links.
Chapter I. 1a
Chapter I. 1b
Chapter I. 1c
Chapter I. 1d
Chapter I. 2a
Chapter I. 3a
Chapter I. 3b
Chapter I. 4b

Chapter I. 5a
Chapter I. 5b
Chapter I. 5c
Chapter I. 8a
Chapter I. 8b

Chapter II. 1a
Chapter II. 1b
Chapter II. 1c
Chapter II. 1d
Chapter II. 2a
Chapter II. 4a
Chapter III. 4a

Chapter IV. 3c
Chapter IV. 4a
Chapter VI. 8a
Chapter VI. 8b

Chapter VI. 8c

Chapter VI. 13a

Chapter VI. 13b
Chapter VI. 13g
° "thirty-two paths of wisdom"
° "a book, a scribe, and a story"
° "ten vowels"
° "twenty-two letters" (consonants)
"Ten vowels – ten fingers"
"ten vowels not standing alone"
"Ten not nine; not eleven"
° "if your heart hastens,
return to the Place"
° "Ten vowels"
° "Their end is wedged into the beginning"
° "as a flame is attached to a coal"
° "ten vowels and twenty-two letters" (consonants)
° "Three mothers, seven doublets,
and twelve simple ones"
° "Twenty-two consonants, a foundation"
° "attached in the mouth in five locations"
° "as a flame is attached to a coal"
° "Locations of the five groups of letters in the mouth"
° "The wheel of 231 gates turns forwards and backwards"
"How did He weigh them and exchange them?"
° "Alef, Mem, Shin – atmosphere, water,
and fire"
° "seven planets, days, and gates of the soul"
° "Two stones build two houses"
° "our Patriarch Abraham looked, saw . . ."
"He made a covenant with Abraham
and his descendants"
° "a covenant with Abraham, and
this covenant is the holy language"
° "eyes, ears, and nose are uncontrollable" –
Issues of Witnesses
"Three good things to hear"
° "Language has three weaknesses" –
Issues of Semantics

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