Book of Formation - Sefer Yetzirah

Chapter I

Mishnah 5, part 3

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By the grace of G-d 
Copyright © 2014 Nathaniel Segal 

Mishnah * I.5.3.  Their end is wedged into their beginning and their beginning into their end  (continuing)

as a flame is attached to a coal.


"Their end is wedged into their beginning and their beginning into their end" - I've repeated this phrase from the part of this mishnah that is on the previous page.

attached to - Where the previous phrase in this mishnah uses a Hebrew word designating "pounded into," "jammed into," this phrase uses a word designating attachment – "bound to," tied to."

a flame - shahl HEH vett

Lahav (LAH hahv) means flame in Hebrew.

shahl HEH vett:  'Flame' as explained in the Milon Ivri Dictionary - by Yehudah Gur, entry "Shin" (as the letter) –

"Sometimes the letter Shin is added at the beginning of a word for a special purpose."

ett - When this syllable is added at the end of a noun, it enters the feminine class of words.

a flame is attached to a coal - Coal, for instance, contains the potential for giving off light and heat.  The flame is the outcome of the burning coal.  Coal, burning, and flame are a triad of Potential, Actualizing, and Result.  I also use the triad of words Beginning, Middle, and End.  The wedging of end and beginning is a lesson about how a result is a new potential.  In fact, this is unavoidable.  It is as if the Book of Formation is saying, "An end urges on a new beginning."

* Definitions and Pronunciation

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