When was Maimonides Born?

In 1135 CE * or 1138 CE?

Maimonides writes that he was born on Shabbat * afternoon (Saturday) the14th of Nissan, 4895 AM * - March 30, 1135 (Friedländer p. xvi).  The 14th of Nissan is called "Erev Pesach" * – the Eve of Passover.  This is to say that Passover begins after Saturday's sundown.  In the Jewish tradition, every day is reckoned as beginning at sunset.

He writes this in his Code – Mishneh Torah (need source).

The Guide for the Perplexed by Rabbi Moses Maimonides
Translated from the original Arabic text by M. Friedländer, Ph.D.
Second Edition, 1904 (originally published by Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.)
(New York: Dover Publications, 1956)
ISBN 486-20351-4
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: CD62-226