Maimonides' Code - The Book of Knowledge

 The Laws of Torah Study

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By the grace of G-d 
Copyright © 2014 Nathaniel Segal 

The explanation of all these commandments [laws] are in [seven] chapters —

Chapter 4

More details from this chapter will be presented (G-d willing) during 2017.

Translator's Notes:

Chapter 4, Law 1

We only teach Torah to a fitting student - G-d-fearing;  inclined to become a credit to the community;  someone who has no malevolent agenda.  Of reasonably good character -- study of Torah and association with good students and with the teachers is likely to improve his character.  However, if he is already associating with shady characters, he's probably not a good candidate for enrollment in the House of Study.  This may demonstrate that he does not have sufficient fear of G-d.  He's liable to become a bad influence on the students rather than their being a good influence on him.

Any number of misfortunes has happened when the student was not of reasonably good character.  Please be patient until I elaborate.

The Two Commandments Explained in this Section

This section – "The Laws of Torah Study" – contains two commands for Jews:

Two positive commandments [what we should do]:

  1. To learn Torah,
  2. To honor those who learn and those who know [Torah].

Bibliography of Maimonides' Code in English
A Brief Biography of Maimonides and a List of His Compositions
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