A Confession of Faith in the One G-d

A person should forever fear G-d privately, and acknowledge the truth, and speak the truth in his or her heart, and rise early and say:

Master of all Worlds!

We do not prostrate and offer supplications before You because of our righteous deeds, but for Your great mercies.  What are we?  What is our life?  What is our kindness?  What is our piety?  What is our strength?  What is our power?  What shall we say before You, L-rd our G-d?

Are not all the mighty as nothing before you?  And people of renown as though they had never been?  And the wise as though they have no knowledge?  And those of understanding as though they can't think?

Because most of their deeds are nothing, and the days of their lives are vapor before You.  And the preeminence of a human over an animal is nothing, for all is vapor.

Except for the soul which is destined to give a reckoning before the Throne of Your Glory.

Therefore it is our duty to thank you and to praise you and to glorify you.  And to bless, and sanctify, and to give praise and thanks to Your Name.

We are fortunate.  How good is our portion and how pleasant is our fate and how beautiful is our heritage.

We are happy that we wake up and settle in for the night, evening and morning, and say twice each day:

Hear, O Israel, the L-rd is our G-d, the L-rd is One!

You are He who is the same before the world was created.  You are He who is the same since the world was created.  You are He who is the same in this world.  And you are He who is the same in the World to Come.

You are He, the L-rd G-d, in heaven and on earth and in the highest heaven of heavens.

Truly, You are He who is first and You are last.  And besides You there is no god.

Let all people recognize and know that You are the only G-d over all kingdoms of the world.  You made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them.  And who is there among the work of Your hands, whether in the upper realms or the lower, who will say to You, "What will You do?  And what will You make?"

Our living and eternal Father in heaven!  Deal generously and kindly with us for the sake of Your great, powerful, and awe-inspiring name!

Adapted and freely translated by Nathaniel Segal